
30 July 2014

Chatty Post | General Catch Up

Yet another inexcusable break was taken here at Beauty Baggage. Okay, let's jump right in with a chatty post, ease myself back in nice and slowly.

Instead of boring you with details, lets focus on something more fun, look at my new custom made logo? I'm so excited to have my very own logo, finally! It was made by my boyfriend's brother, he came up with the entire concept from start to finish, checking in with me as he went to make sure everything was okay. He's currently studying product design and is definitely one to watch! Looking forward to seeing what else he comes up with in the coming years.

Beauty Baggage's NEW Logo

In general my summer has been going well. I'm trying to wrap up the last of assignments for my masters, so that hasn't been terribly fun. But I've still managed to fit in plenty of socialising over the summer months so far, it hasn't been all doom and gloom, plenty of days and nights out! I also have some nice plans in August, with Electric Picnic at the end of the month. However what I'm definitely most excitedly looking forward to this year is my 2 week trip to China in September, I cannot wait! If you've ever been, be sure to leave suggestions in the comments for what I should get up to! I'm also heading to Brussels for a weekend in November with a few friends too. So while it's been relatively quiet year to date, I have lots of things to look forward to!

Some pics from my Summer so far...

I have also really started to try improve my eating and general health in the last few weeks. As part of that I'm trying to get a little better at cooking and making things from scratch. The berry smoothie above is a perfect example of that (it's delish in case you're wondering!), with some more examples below. I have also taking to walk 3 or 4 times a week, nothing too crazy, just maybe 5.5km. However I'm working on building up speed, and have done some very small jogging spurts in the middle. It's going well so far and definitely a case my whole mind and body (not to mention skin) are feeling so much the better for it. That's not to say I haven't fallen off the bandwagon here and there, but life is for living, so that's allowed. I'm using my impending trips and all the sight-seeing induced walking as motivation! So far, so good.

Homemade guacamole, fresh watermelon, homemade pizza & basil plant

So that's a general catch up on what has been going on with me and my summer so far! What's new with you? What have you been getting up to? Has anyone been on holidays or planning any get aways? I'd love to hear from you!