For this post I thought I would share what I keep in my every day handbag. For when I'm heading to work or out shopping, etc. I used to always carry around really big handbags, but in more recent years I've returned to the smaller bag. I've learned I wasn't using half the stuff I was lugging around anyway.
I found this mini satchel in New Look for a very reasonable price (under €20) and it has served me well. I have it 6 months at least and I've had no issues to date. Now more importantly onto the contents, as the bag itself is quite small, I've gotten my handbag essentials down to the minimum.
Starting from the bottom working to the top we have:
- Samsung Galaxy SII (yes I am badly in need of an upgrade)
- Keys
- Brushes, which are all Real Techniques (Blush, Buffer & Contour brushers)
- Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum (#51)
- Collection Concealer (#2)
- Bourjois Shine Edition Lipstick (#24)
- MAC Lustre Lipstick (Lustering)
- NARS Palette (The Happening)
- Silver Make Up Bag (part of a gift, so unsure where it came from)
- Calvin Klein Purse (which I picked up while holidaying in Orlando)
I hope you enjoyed having a nose at what's in my purse.
What are some of your handbag essentials?
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